Non-Primate Residents

Bleat the Heat

Bleat the Heat

Our three Pygmy goat residents, Roscoe, Lonnie and Cinnamon, have been living it up this summer at the PRC! Their favorite past-times include frolicking through two expansive fields, napping under shady trees, gobbling up their favorite summer fruits and playing king...
Spring Fever

Spring Fever

The chimps are kissing winter goodbye and embracing sun-filled days spent lounging, grooming and playing in their massive outdoor enclosure. What better way to ring in springtime festivities than by throwing the first outdoor chimp party of the season? Our outstanding...
Dogs of the PRC

Dogs of the PRC

We care for more than just primates at the PRC. We have two dogs who live at the sanctuary: Tigger and Sarah. Tigger is an older dog, so he now spends most of his day sleeping in his favorite bed. Sarah is still young and spry, so she likes to explore the property and...