Mighty the Sulawesi Macaque joined us at the PRC in 1995, when Baby, the Sykes’ monkey she was housed with, injured her owner in a savage attack. When nobody in the local area could be persuaded to help the owner safely secure the animals in transport cages, PRC personnel jumped in a van and drove 700 miles to Long Island, New York.
We found the two monkeys living in an amazingly spacious and well-designed enclosure—the likes of which we rarely see pet monkeys kept in. Unfortunately, the only door into the enclosure was human-sized, and after seeing the damage Baby had done to her owner, we were taking no chances. After cutting a hole in the wall of their cage and attaching a transfer cage securely to the exterior, we successfully transferred the animals and brought both Baby and Mighty back to live in Kentucky.

They were found to be rather incompatible with each other in their new home, and we instead housed each with companions of their own species. Although Baby died a few years later, Mighty was with us until October 2012. She cooperated in amazing ways as we struggled to control her Type 2 diabetes. Eventually, Mighty developed ketoacidosis and wasn’t healthy enough to fight any longer. Throughout her time at the PRC, her former owner kept in contact with us, checking in and sending contributions to offset her continuing care. For that support, we are eternally grateful.
Click here to read our good-bye message to sweet Mighty.