

Vernon is a male Vervet Monkey who came to live at the Primate Rescue Center in 2004. We estimate his birth year to be 1999. Vernon lived for years in the home of an animal hoarder in New York. He was housed in a small dog crate that was rarely cleaned. At the time he was confiscated, authorities found six other primates living in the house, all in the same conditions as Vernon.

Because of his traumatic past, Vernon is very nervous around other monkeys and humans. Although he is currently housed alone, Vernon is still able to see and interact with the monkeys around him; however, he prefers to sit and groom by himself. He enjoys playing with his enrichment, whether it be scraping peanut butter out of a Kong toy or tossing and chasing plastic balls around his enclosure. Vernon loves to eat almost anything we serve him, but he is especially fond of corn, bananas, and peanuts.