Rescued: 1996
Noelle was born on December 22, 1994, at LEMSIP, the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates. Immediately after birth, Noelle was pulled away from her mother to be raised by human caretakers in a nursery at the lab. Her closest companion in the laboratory nursery was Ike, and she continued to have a close relationship with him when they were both brought to the Primate Rescue Center in 1996. Being taken from her mother was very traumatic for Noelle and she relied on Ike quite often to comfort and calm her as a youngster.
Today, Noelle is quite comfortable in her sanctuary home along with the seven other chimpanzees in her troop. She is most known for her quirky and unique personality, and her love of some specific enrichment items. Noelle loves to be tickled, and will laugh when caregivers gently poke her in her side or tickle her ears using a long “tickle” stick made from garden hose. She also enjoys swinging up high on the fire hose swings in the outdoor enclosure. She casually lies on the thin hose and will rock herself gracefully back and forth. Noelle also loves paper. She cannot get enough of magazines, newspapers, and books. She usually grabs her breakfast and a magazine before running out of the playroom to eat alone while flipping through the pages. She even tears out certain pages that she especially likes and carries them around with her throughout the day. Noelle is also very fond of boots – hiking and rain boots in particular. She gets so excited to see what boots the caregivers and volunteers are wearing each day, and will even try some on and walk around in them when they are given as enrichment to the chimps (we NEVER train any primates to wear clothing or shoes, but they have the choice to play with shoes, hats and gloves for fun if they want).
Noelle developed diabetes in her late teenage years, which is quite common amongst chimpanzees living in captivity, and is now on daily medication to control her glucose levels. The caregivers monitor her health very closely in order to make sure that despite Noelle’s condition, she continues to live a long and happy life.
Chimpmas Time is Here!
It’s that time again… The apes and monkeys have been good all year and are hoping that their Chimpmas wishes will come true! Everyone thought long and hard about what they would love most this year and we have put together their list here. Many of the items they...
20+ Years of Sanctuary Club
The Primate Rescue Center rescued its first monkey, Gizmo, in 1987 and began a journey which has now spanned 34 years and given refuge to hundreds of primates along the way.
Chimpmas Day Festivities Wrap Up
Thanks to our generous donors, Primate Pals and friends of the PRC who donated tons of toys, gifts and tasty snacks, the chimps and monkeys had an awesome time last month opening all of their presents on “Chimpmas” day.
Have a Very Merry Chimpmas!
It's our favorite time of year - Chimpmas is almost here! The chimps thought long and hard about what they wanted to ask for, and we have compiled their list here. Take a look at their wish lists, and maybe you can make a Chimpmas wish come true!
Happy World Chimpanzee Day!
Today is World Chimpanzee Day – a day to celebrate all chimpanzees, wild and captive. We want to spend today highlighting and honoring the nine chimpanzees who call the PRC home! Each chimp is a unique individual with their own likes, dislikes and interests, and we...
Fall Fun at the PRC
Fall is upon us. The shortened days, crisp, cooler air, and the changing landscape from bold green to shades of warm amber, deep scarlet and sepia gold mark the beginning of many changes and inspirations at the sanctuary. The nutrition and enrichment programs at...
Fun in the Sun!
The hot summer days have arrived here at the PRC! With many days exceeding 90°, we are making sure all of the residents are staying cool and enjoying some summer fun. Noelle enjoys snacking on frozen slices of jackfruit. Jenny runs through the cool mist...
Sharing the Love
Happy Valentine’s Day! At the Primate Rescue Center, we are so fortunate to have supporters who show us love. Whether it’s by sharing our social media posts, donating to our fundraisers or sending goodies for the primates – we feel the love! We are so grateful and...
Hooray for Whole Foods!
We are so pleased to now be partnering with our local Whole Foods store located in the Summit at Fritz Farm. We go through a lot of food each week to feed the 9 chimpanzees and over 40 monkeys at the PRC and we are fortunate that a large percentage of their diet is...
Reading into the Chimpanzee
A primatology book analysis and comparison to the PRC's chimps by Taylor Luken. Five to seven million years ago in Africa, humanity (Homo sapiens) and the African great ape known as the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) ceased sharing common ancestors. Our evolutionary...