Michelle Meeker
Michelle was born in St. Augustine, FL, but raised in Lexington, KY. She grew up having many pets around her, from dogs and cats, to birds and rodents. From an early age, Michelle knew she wanted to work with wild animals and felt most drawn to primate care and rescue. Michelle first learned about the Primate Rescue Center when she saw a feature about the sanctuary on the local news, and friends of Michelle’s encouraged her to find a way to be a part of the organization. When she noticed the volunteer opportunities on the sanctuary’s website, she jumped at the chance to join the volunteer team. Later, Michelle would also complete a PRC Internship, all while continuing to work on her Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Studies at Eastern Kentucky University. After graduation, Michelle became a zookeeper at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Spring, CO, but after a few years realized she wanted to move back to Kentucky. Michelle was offered a caregiver position at the PRC in 2023 and happily accepted. Michelle is thrilled to be back in Kentucky, and at a sanctuary that feels like home, too.