Rescued: 1996
Jenny was born on May 19, 1995, at LEMSIP, a former biomedical research laboratory in New York. Separated at birth from her mother, she was raised in a nursery-like setting by human caretakers. This was particularly hard on young Jenny, who clung tightly to her close friend, Pozna.
Jenny and Pozna were pretty much inseparable, and spent their days cavorting and napping in the PRC’s Play Room. They liked that room so much, in fact, that they often refused to leave in the evenings, making it impossible for us to clean. Part of this behavior was likely due to their uneasiness with the adult females, who were not as accepting of the young girls as they were of Ike, Rodney, and Cory. Eventually, however, leaving the Play Room turned into a game for Jenny: she would hang out in the cross-over tunnel, then race back to the room in “Indiana Jones” fashion, rolling under the door as it was being lowered.
As Jenny and Pozna grew up, they stopped clinging to each other and gained confidence around the older females. And as their positions in the troop solidified, they also developed relationships with Donald, the group’s dominant male.
Jenny has always enjoyed playing pranks on humans (one of her favorites is to get a mouthful of water and wait for an unsuspecting caretaker to walk close by), so we work hard to give her opportunities for silliness and play, without putting ourselves in jeopardy. Playing “chase” alongside the outdoor enclosure is a longtime favorite game for Jenny, and an easy way for volunteers to safely interact with her and be rewarded with a big, open-mouthed play face. She also loves shoes, and often motions for caretakers to show her their shoes, sometimes even “crying” when she wants a closer look. Although the smallest of the PRC’s chimps, Jenny doesn’t back down when another troop member picks on her. She’ll chase down the offender and stand up for herself if Donald isn’t around to set things straight.
Chimpmas Time is Here!
It’s that time again… The apes and monkeys have been good all year and are hoping that their Chimpmas wishes will come true! Everyone thought long and hard about what they would love most this year and we have put together their list here. Many of the items they...
20+ Years of Sanctuary Club
The Primate Rescue Center rescued its first monkey, Gizmo, in 1987 and began a journey which has now spanned 34 years and given refuge to hundreds of primates along the way.
Chimpmas Day Festivities Wrap Up
Thanks to our generous donors, Primate Pals and friends of the PRC who donated tons of toys, gifts and tasty snacks, the chimps and monkeys had an awesome time last month opening all of their presents on “Chimpmas” day.
Have a Very Merry Chimpmas!
It's our favorite time of year - Chimpmas is almost here! The chimps thought long and hard about what they wanted to ask for, and we have compiled their list here. Take a look at their wish lists, and maybe you can make a Chimpmas wish come true!
Happy World Chimpanzee Day!
Today is World Chimpanzee Day – a day to celebrate all chimpanzees, wild and captive. We want to spend today highlighting and honoring the nine chimpanzees who call the PRC home! Each chimp is a unique individual with their own likes, dislikes and interests, and we...
Signed, Sealed, Delivered!
The Primate Rescue Center’s Off-Site Volunteer Program is a great opportunity for volunteers near or far of all age ranges who love apes and monkeys. Off-Site Volunteers participate in providing excellent care and enriching experiences to the PRC residents by...
Reminiscing About the Holidays
As we look forward to everything 2019 has in store, we reminisce about the extraordinary memories that were made during the 2018 holiday season. November and December were some of the busiest, and most exciting, months of the year at the Primate Rescue Center. Not...
Hooray for Whole Foods!
We are so pleased to now be partnering with our local Whole Foods store located in the Summit at Fritz Farm. We go through a lot of food each week to feed the 9 chimpanzees and over 40 monkeys at the PRC and we are fortunate that a large percentage of their diet is...
Reading into the Chimpanzee
A primatology book analysis and comparison to the PRC's chimps by Taylor Luken. Five to seven million years ago in Africa, humanity (Homo sapiens) and the African great ape known as the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) ceased sharing common ancestors. Our evolutionary...
Merry Chimpmas!
If you follow the Primate Rescue Center on social media, you probably know that every year around Christmas we like to put together a “Chimpmas list” for the chimps! This year the chimps thought long and hard about what they would like, and then...