

Jane is a female rhesus macaque who was born on April 3, 2006. We know her exact birthdate because Jane was born at the sanctuary to former residents Deweyand Bailey. All male primates at the PRC receive a vasectomy to prevent breeding, but Dewey’s surgery was unsuccessful. Actually, the surgery failed twice; Jane has an older brother, Sawyer, who was also born to Dewey and Bailey. Jane and her brother experienced something most of our residents had been denied in the pet trade or laboratory world: being raised by their own mother, Bailey. Bailey was an excellent mother, despite not having the chance to learn from her own mother, and was devoted to caring for and guiding her children. Jane still lives with her brother, but both Dewey and Bailey have since passed away. Jane is a very spunky and curious girl, and loves to climb the structures in her enclosure and explore the various enrichment items offered. She also enjoys operant conditioning sessions with her caregivers in which they practice shifting to different areas of the enclosure for a food reward; she is getting quite good at it, too! Jane is very close with her brother and they spend time each day grooming each other and enjoying the sights and sounds of the sanctuary together. Jane’s favorite foods are bananas, peanuts, spinach, popcorn, honeysuckle leaves, and sweet potatoes.